Volunteer at Chaddock
At Chaddock, volunteers expand our capacity to serve the many children in our care by helping with a wide variety of tasks. We provide those who volunteer at Chaddock with a meaningful and quality experience worthy of their time, skills, and energy. We invite you to review the volunteer positions listed below.
Be a Chaddock connector
Make a difference and join us in sharing and spreading the word about Chaddock. By working as a team, we can help these deserving children have a chance. Opportunities include:
- Become an advocate for Chaddock.
- Invite Chaddock to visit your place of business, meeting, fair, church, school, etc. to deliver a presentation about Chaddock and the many blessings that we deliver to children in need.
- Arrange for your group to visit Chaddock, tour our campus and see first-hand the life changing work being done everyday.
- Spread the word in any way you can by letting others know the services Chaddock provides and have them contact us to see how they can get involved.
- Request a speaker.
- Host your own special event.
Our mission To engage individuals in sharing their time, talent and treasure to support the programs and services of the Chaddock Family of Organizations.
unique ways to connect
Chaddock can always use volunteer help with the following areas:
- Office Work (filing, stuffing envelopes, and answering the phone)
- Santa’s Helpers (wrapping Christmas gifts, driving to pick up gifts at various locations, sorting and checking in presents)
- Building and Grounds Improvements (roofing, painting, landscaping, and general maintenance)
- Other Special Projects and Tasks
Throughout the year, Chaddock hosts events to increase awareness and raise funds to support our programs. Volunteers serve on event planning committees and provide assistance during the event.
In addition, when a Chaddock speaker is in your area, consider hosting a gathering (friends, family, church group, etc.) in your home, restaurant, or other location to provide an extra opportunity for Chaddock to let others know about our work!
You and your group can host a fundraiser to benefit Chaddock children in your homes, parks and other establishments. Make sure you coordinate your efforts with the Development staff.
Those who have special skills or abilities are encouraged to call to discuss additional opportunities. Chaddock has been blessed with such volunteers as:
- A famous musician offered to do a benefit concert for Chaddock
- A former professional basketball star gave an encouraging talk to the kids at Chaddock
- A major league baseball scout gave a coach’s clinic at Chaddock
- A person with skills in calligraphy taught a one-day class in the summer
- A librarian sorted through a large number of books for our library
- A person with interest in history went through our historical archive to catalog and make copies of numerous special old documents