DTAP Program
Our Developmental Trauma and Attachment Program® (DTAP) brings hope and healing to children and youth who have experienced severe trauma and struggle with attachment-related difficulties. DTAP is delivered in 3 levels of intensity depending on the needs of the family, including In-Home Intensive (offered nationwide), Accelerated Residential Treatment and Residential Treatment.
Of the children served by Chaddock
are children who are adopted from the foster care system or were adopted internationally. Even though they currently have loving homes, their early years often represent extreme cases of abuse, neglect or other trauma.
of children treated at Chaddock have a history of psychiatric hospitalization with an average of four hospital admissions.
every child deserves a chance
Impacting Kids
DTAP focuses on the unique needs of the family and child by helping them restore the ability to form trusting relationships.
DTAP’s foundation is an in-depth understanding of brain development and trauma’s impact on the foundation of a child’s internal working model. With this foundation, the Chaddock staff is trained in evidence-based interventions targeted at calming the fight, flight, or freeze response in these highly traumatized children.
Attachment-Based Interventions
- Theraplay®: Theraplay is a child and family therapy for building and enhancing attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement.
- Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP): Developed by Daniel Hughes, Ph.D., DDP is a way that children are able to begin to talk about and make sense of their experiences of trauma and disrupted attachment relationships.
- Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®): TBRI® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors.
Additional Tools
Chaddock uses the following additional tools to aid in the restoration of parent/child relationships:
Marschak Interaction Method (MIM): The parent/child complete a series of play tasks while being video-taped to assess specific dimensions of the parent child relationship. The video is reviewed with the parents and with specific feedback from the therapist on ways to improve the relationship.
Adult Attachment Interview: This research-based interview assesses the parent’s own attachment history and/or traumatic experiences that may impact the parent/child relationship.
- Eye Movement Desensitization Re-Processing (EMDR): This treatment approach uses bilateral stimulation such as tapping or side to side eye-movements to help both sides of the brain assimilate a traumatic experience.
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT): This model works to desensitize children to a traumatic experience through the development of a trauma narrative.
- Video Intervention Therapy (VIT): This approach uses video-taped typical family interactions to facilitate a rapid therapeutic change in relationships by deepening one’s insight about their thinking and behavior in interpersonal interactions. VIT is used to provide precise interventions related to improving family interactions.
Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP): This is a model of helping children who have been exposed to traumatic events find resolution within the context of the parent child relationship.
Family Therapy and Parent Coaching: Recognizing that everyone in the family is impacted by a child who is struggling in the family Chaddock therapists and parent coaches work with all family members to reduce stress in the family and to move toward a process of healing and deeper connection for all family members. Parent Coaches help parents learn specific skills to effectively manage their child’s problem behaviors.
Empowering Families
When we see families who are having different experiences together during therapy or visits, and creating stronger, more trusting, safe relationships together, that’s the reward.
An affiliate member of the National Children Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), Chaddock has demonstrated its expertise in using these approaches to address attachment issues and trauma disorders. Through DTAP, Chaddock’s professional team meets children where they are developmentally, addresses a child’s unique issues and concerns, works in partnership with parents/caregivers to support the whole family system and provides parents/caregivers the tools they need to repair and strengthen their relationship with their child.